

How to Tell the Difference Between Marble and Granite? 2020-02-05

Marble and granite are two of the most commonly used building materials in the world. Both are types of natural stone, both are durable and great for interior and exterior design. In Xiamen Aofei Building Materials blog we talk a lot about the pros and cons between the two, best applications and design trends. But how to tell which one is which? That’s what we will find out in today’s article!


Granite — a material used and loved by architects for centuries. As it contains a variety of different materials, such as quartz, mica, and feldspar, this natural stone comes in many different colors. But the ones you would see the most often are gray, brown, and white. 

An easy-to-spot feature of granite is how the pattern is composed of crystals and clumps. Some types of this natural stone will have a more marble-like veined pattern. However, if you look closer, you will see more grainy and blurry color patches, unlike the distinct streaks in marble. 

Testing the surface with a knife is another good solution to find out what stone you are looking at. If you scratch the underside of the stone slab and see the damage — it is likely to be marble. If no damage is showing — you are probably looking at granite, or some manufactured stone.



Everyone’s favorite palace material — marble is often called one of the most royal and elegant building materials.

Marble has a wide range of colors in its palette, but most of them will be more pastel. Some of the most common ones include pure white and with gray, light blue, pink, yellow or black minerals. 

Authentic marble will always have an unparalleled glossiness. Some manufactured types of stone have a similar shininess, but marble’s is definitely unique. 

Do you want to dive into the topic of interior and exterior design even further? Make sure to visit Xiamen Aofei Building Materials blog! Twice a week our experts publish articles on everything from marble and granite specifics, other types of natural stone and how they compare, industry updates and design trends. 

Are you ready to make your project perfect with our natural stone? Call us today and Xiamen Aofei Building Materials professionals will walk you through all the possible options just for you!

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